Nabatech Consultants
Nabatech Consultants Inc. is part of the Nabatech Group that provide the full range of consulting services to the telecommunications industry. The engineering services are offered for both green field and rooftop structures and include the following:
Nabatech Consultants perform tower antenna inventory studies that can be either a ground audit or a climb audit of a telecommunication installation. Ground audits are performed to confirm the current antenna and line loading on an installation to ensure accurate modeling of the structure when a tower analysis is performed. Compound dimensions taken during this study will ensure accurate site compound modifications when and where required. In the event of poor tower records can a climb audit be performed where the antenna models on the structure are recorded in addition to what the ground audit provide. Tower audits are accompanied by a full and comprehensive report with the antenna inventory provided along with photographs, basic feed line and site layout sketches.
In the event that no records for a telecommunications installation can be found will Nabatech Consultants perform a mapping of the structure. Section and panel geometry is measured along with the structural member sizes and connection details. Where required can foundation details be mapped using non-destructive techniques. A tower mapping study is performed along with a climb audit as described above. Tower mapping is accompanied by a full and comprehensive report with the antenna inventory provided along with photographs, tower profile drawing, basic feed line and site layout sketches.
Nabatech Consultants will provide a structural analysis to CSA S37-13 of an antenna installation including guyed towers, guyed self support towers, self support towers, monopoles, tri-poles and rooftop structures. A full and comprehensive report is provided with the findings along with reinforcing recommendations where required or if desired, revised proposed antenna elevations to negate the requirement for structural reinforcing. The analysis report is sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the province where the structure is located.
Upon completion of a structural analysis does Nabatech Consultants provide tower augmentation drawings that include the latest appurtenance loading, scope of work for the project, installation details and where required part drawings of the required tower reinforcing. This drawing package will ensure up to date detailed records for future projects.
Once a tower augmentation or new structure installation is completed, does Nabatech Consultants provide a tower acceptance inspection. A full comprehensive checklist is completed that verify the correct installation to the issued drawing package for the site. All aspects of CSA S37-13 is verified including compound works, grounding, structure installation including antenna and appurtenance installations. A full comprehensive report is issued listing deficiencies and proposed corrective action by the installation contractor.
Nabatech Consultants provide independent third party structural verification of existing or proposed telecommunication installations. This typically include an analysis of the structure or component and is accompanied by a report with findings measured against customer requirements and specifications. This study is sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the province where the structure is located.
Standardized universal equipment saves costs and installation time. Nabatech Consultants will develop suitable parts and equipment that can be independently sourced at low cost that can standardize many facets of a build with consistent quality and diversity when considering future deployment. Drawings of standardized installation of the component will be provided along with part drawings and material quantity lists to allow for rapid, low cost sourcing and ease of installation.
Periodic inspections of telecommunications installations are mandated by the CSA S37-13 standard. Nabatech Consultants perform these inspections to a full comprehensive checklist and the requirements of the CSA S37-13 standard and recommend items for maintenance along with budgetary estimate for the items listed. A comprehensive report with photographs are issued with the findings.
Nabatech Consultants will assist in the development of new proposals and development of network specifications to ensure accurate and relevant requirements are issued to fabricators to ensure quality product is sourced to a measured standard. Such standards and specifications will ensure long term relevance of structures when considering future deployments.
In the rollout of new structures will Nabatech Consultants assist in providing the necessary engineering and drawings for obtaining required permits issued by local authorities including development drawings typically required by landlords in the case of rooftop structures. Where required will parties involved be consulted to obtain suitable solutions to ensure general consensus.