Health and Safety

Nabatech Communications is committed to train our field staff and provide them a safe environment to perform their daily tasks. Working on a tower site can be considered a dangerous environment if the crew or any of its members fail to respect the working environment they are in. Each of our employees are trained in Fall arrest protection and in high angle rescue. Our crews are equipped with all of the necessary equipment required to implement 100% fall protection and to employ theirs skills and equipment if high angle rescue is required.
Nabatech Communications has developed a very comprehensive Health and Safety program and policy, a Tower Site Safety Policy and procedure program and a Company field operation policy. Each of our policies is geared to inform our employees of a comprehensive list of potentially dangerous situations and how to deal with them safely and how to report such incidents if they occur.
All company personal must comply with our policies and be dedicated to the continuous development on how to reduce or eliminate potentially harmful situations. All employees are dedicated to the elimination or control of all foreseeable hazards that could potentially cause personal injury, damage to property or occupational illness.
All employees of the company are directly accountable for their own personal health and safety as well as the health and safety of their fellow employees. Our employees maintain certified WHMIS and first Aid training
Every employee is provided training in their specific field of work. Each employee is trained to check , test , operate and maintain equipment in a safe working condition that complies with the occupational safety and health regulations and our company policies.
All sub- contractors who are contracted by Nabatech Communications must provide copies of their Health and Safety policies, Fall Protection training certificates, valid First Aid and WHMIS certificates, proof they have commercial liability insurance and certificates that prove they have Workers Safety Insurance ( WSIB) in good standing .
Nabatech strives to maintain a Health and Safety program that provides a safe working environment for all employees. Our various policies are continuously reviewed and revised when required. Copies of our policies and commercial insurance are available upon request.